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Reiki-Chakra Roll-On Set


From KC’s Innovations, this unique Reiki-charged chakra roll-on set was created with the intention of overall balance. Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning, “wheel of light.” A chakra is an energy center that exists in and outside of the body. There are many of them and every one of these energy centers contains all color vibrations, although one particular color always dominates corresponding to the primary task of the chakra. Each chakra has a particular part of the body that is influenced by it.

This chakra roll-on set comes with 10 mL roll-on bottles for the 7 major chakras with essential oils and gemstones for each chakra., this includes one extra for the heart chakra. It also comes with 7 affirmation cards. Everything is Reiki-charged by a Reiki master with the intention of perfect balance for each chakra. Each essential oil blend contains jojoba oil at a 2% dilution ratio


Location of the chakras: The Root Chakra is at the base of the spine. The color of this center is thought to be red. This center is our connection with the earth and our physical needs. The spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, and prostate gland are parts of the body associated with this energy center. Blood, the building of cells and the suprarenal glands are also connected with this energy center The Sacral Chakra is located above the genitals. the color of this center is thought to be orange. This is the center of our unfiltered primitive emotions, sexual energies, and creativity. Pelvic girdle, reproductive organs, kidneys, and bladder are parts of the body associated with this energy center.  All body fluids such as blood, lymph, gastric juice, sperm, as well as gonads, ovaries, prostate gland, and testicles are also connected to this energy center. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located about 2 finger breadths above the navel. The color is thought to be yellow. This is the center of our personal power, our will, vitality, and determination. The lower to mid back, abdomen, digestive system, and autonomic nervous system are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The Pancreas gland is also connected to this energy center. The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, level with the heart. The color is thought to be green and/or pink. This center deals with unconditional love and compassion. This center is thought to be the source of healing abilities. The heart, upper back, lungs, and the blood circulation system are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The thymus gland is also connected to this energy center. The Throat Chakra is located between the depression in the neck and the larynx. The color is thought to be blue. This is the center for communication and expression, verbal and non-verbal.  The throat, neck, jaw, ears, voice, bronchial tubes, esophagus, and arms are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The thyroid gland is also connected to this energy center. The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead a finger’s breadth above the bridge of the nose. This is the center of our imagination and inner “sight”. The face, eyes, nose, sinuses, and central nervous system are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The pituitary gland is also connected to this energy center.  The Crown Chakra is located in the middle of the head at the top.  The color is thought to be white and/or violet. This is the center of our inner “knowing”, and self-realization, the seat of our spirituality and our connection with the divine. The cerebrum is a part of the body associated with the energy center. The pineal gland is also connected with this energy center.

Full ingredients list: Root Chakra: Marjoram Origanum marjorana essential oil, Myrrh Commiphora myrrha essential oil, Cedarwood Cedrus Alantica essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, Red jasper. Sacral Chakra: Geranium Pelargonium graveolens essential oil, Petitgrain Citrus aurantium essential oil, Sandalwood Santalum album essential oil, Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, Carnelian. Solar Plexus: Geranium Pelargonium graveolens essential oil, Grapefruit Citrus amascen essential oil, Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, Tiger's Eye. Pink Heart Chakra: Bergamot Citrus Aurantium Subsp. Bergamia essential oil, Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides essential oil, Lavender Lavandula angustifolia essential oil, Rose Rosa amascene essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, Rose Quartz. Green Heart Chakra: Sweet orange Citrus sinensis essential oil, Immortelle Helichrysum angustifolium essential oil, Lavender Lavandula angustifolia essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, green aventurine. Throat Chakra: Lavender Lavandula angustifolia essential oil, Peppermint Mentha piperita essential oil, Sage Salvia officinalis essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, Turquoise. Third Eye Chakra: Black Spruce Picea mariana essential oil, Clary Sage Salvia sclarea essential oil, Yarrow Achillea millefolium essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, Lapis Lazuli. Crown Chakra: Frankincense Boswellia thurifera essential oil, Galbanum Ferula galbaniflua essential oil, Rosewood Aniba Roseodora essential oil, Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis oil, Clear Quartz crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, Amethyst.

Safety Data: Caution: Certain essential oils can cause dermal irritation. If any irritation occurs, immediately wash off the essential oil with soap and water. Bergamot Saftey Data: Photo-toxic in concentration and in dilution even after a short time. Great care is essential in dermal applications. When the oil is applied topically, it may be unsafe for women who are pregnant or nursing. Do not take internally unless under care of professional aromatherapist. Black Spruce Saftey Data: When used fresh, black spruce oil is extremely safe and doesn't irritate or sensitize; nevertheless, when the oil ages, it may start to cause irritation. It is best used for vaporizing only after six months, and is safest stored in the refrigerator, where it can be used for up to a year. Frankincense Saftey Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. Do not take internally unless under care of professional aromatherapist Galbanum Safety Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. Do not take internally unless under care of professional aromatherapist. Gardenia Safety Data: No current safety data available. Do not take internally. Geranium Safety Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, generally non-sensitizing, contact dermatitis in hypersensitive people is possible. Do not take internally unless under care of professional aromatherapist. Grapefruit Safety Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. Do not take internally unless under care of professional aromatherapist. Immortelle Safety Data: on-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. Do not take internally unless under care of professional aromatherapist. Lavender Safety Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. Myrrh Safety Data: Non-irritant, non-sensitizing, can be toxic in high concentration.  Do not use if pregnant. Do not take internally unless under care of professional aromatherapist.

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