In my experience as a Reiki master practitioner, all essential oils have effects on certain chakras and auras, which, in turn, affect the body, mind, and spirit in different ways.
Chakras are something I’d heard about most of my life, but, my understanding of them was on a pretty basic level. Getting into Reiki led me to learn more. My husband, Bennett, asked me where the concept of chakras came from, so, I went deeper and found that the chakra system has its origins in Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism.
Along the way I have had my own experiences with energy work in which I have found ways to incorporate this basic knowledge.
Let me explain what I have learned about the auras and the chakras and how I use them in my own practice.
The body is surrounded by an energy field that is commonly referred to as the aura. The aura is thought to be related to the electromagnetic force field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. Traditional information describes this as a force field that shields and protects the body. It is commonly believed that the human aura consist of seven layers though, I have never seen these different layers so cannot speak on that. Not everybody can see auras, my husband, for instance, doesn’t see auras. For me, I actually see them as a very faint glow around people and even objects. I see an aura as very faint and sometimes feel it more than I see it.
Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning, “wheel of light.” They are energy centers that exist in and outside of the body. It is believed by many that these wheels of light are constantly spinning starting clock-wise (for males) or counter clock-wise (for females). Each Chakra spins in a different direction.
Note: The idea of Chakras spinning opposite for males and females brings up an interesting discussion about gender identity, gender-fluidity, and basic non-binary-ness. This is, of course, a purely non-scientific exploration of something that is not measurable or visible to nearly all of us. One’s DNA tells us definitively whether one is male or female, but, what those roles are in society is not so purely defined. This is where the problem is. Each human is unique as each human's relationship to society's commonly agreed upon roles and behaviors is unique. My view is that this applies to the spinning directions of the Chakras, as well. However, I feel that it is important to mention I do not actually see the directions of the spin of the chakras. I simply feel the energy when I am working on a client.
While I don’t see these energy wheels in such a detailed way, the following is how they have been described by traditional practitioners in this field:
According to The Chakra Handbook, “traditional writings mention 88,000 chakras… Only approximately 40 secondary chakras can be considered significant.” Most of these chakras are very small and have a minor effect on the energy system.
There are seven major chakras that are located within the body. It is said they appear like funnel-shaped blossoms, each possessing a different number of petals, which is why they are frequently referred to as lotus blossoms in the East. The petals of the blossoms stand for the nadis, or energy channels, through which energy is able to run into the chakras, where it is then able to pass to the subtle bodies. The amount of petals, or nadis, ranges from four at the root chakra to nearly a thousand at the crown. The seven major chakras form in the back what is referred to as the kundalini (often pictured as two intersecting snakes) representing the masculine part of our nature, with the mirror image of the seven chakras creating the hara line in the front of the body representing our feminine nature.
As I have said, I like reading about all of this information, but, I do not see the chakras this way. I do not actually see any of the chakras or even the colors, I feel different energy for each chakra. I will explain more with each chakra description.
Every one of the energy centers contains all color vibrations, although one particular color always dominates, corresponding to the primary task of the chakra. Each chakra has a particular part of the body that is influenced by it. I can feel a connection to the body parts listed for each chakra. If a particular area is out of balance the energy will feel different. I’ll explain throughout.
The Root Chakra is at the base of the spine. The color of this center is thought to be red. This center is our connection with the earth and our physical needs. The spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, and prostate gland are parts of the body associated with this energy center. Blood, the building of cells and the suprarenal glands are also connected with this energy center. At the root chakra, I feel a sense of the earth. When this center is out of balance I might sometimes feel it as almost a musical note that is out of tune. I might feel a cloudy or foggy sense in that area.
The Belly or Sacral Chakra is located above the genitals. The color of this center is thought to be orange. This is the center of our unfiltered primitive emotions, sexual energies, and creativity. Pelvic girdle, reproductive organs, kidneys, and bladder are parts of the body associated with this energy center. All body fluids such as blood, lymph, gastric juice, sperm, as well as gonads, ovaries, prostate gland, and testicles are also connected to this energy center. At the sacral center, I can feel a sense of deep emotions within the person I am working on. Sometimes I might get a strong feeling of a need for creative expression. There can sometimes be a feeling of energetic resistance if a particular area feels out of balance.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located about 2 finger breadths above the navel. The color is thought to be yellow. This is the center of our personal power, our will, vitality, and determination. The lower to mid back, abdomen, digestive system, and autonomic nervous system are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The Pancreas gland is also connected to this energy center. In the solar plexus center, I will sometimes get a strong feeling of warm sunshine when this center is in harmony. When something feels out of balance in the center it can be like a musical note that is distant and quiet that is struggling to be heard.
The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, level with the heart. The color is thought to be green and/or pink. This center deals with unconditional love and compassion. This center is thought to be the source of healing abilities. The heart, upper back, lungs, and the blood circulation system are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The thymus gland is also connected to this energy center. When this center is in balance I get a sense of a green healthy forest with a stream running through it. When it is out of balance I might get a sense of moody, or muddy, water or hear a note that is full of static.
The Throat Chakra is located between the depression in the neck and the larynx. The color is thought to be blue. This is the center for communication and expression, verbal and non-verbal. The throat, neck, jaw, ears, voice, bronchial tubes, esophagus, and arms are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The thyroid gland is also connected to this energy center. In the center, I get a sense of vast open space when it is in balance. When it is out of balance I get a sense of constriction, tightening, or closing up.
The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead a finger breadth above the bridge of the nose. The color is thought to be indigo and/or violet. This is the center of our imagination and inner “sight”. The face, eyes, nose, sinuses, and central nervous system are parts of the body associated with this energy center. The pituitary gland is also connected to this energy center. When this center is in balance I get a sense of clarity. It's like listening to music where you can hear every instrument perfectly balanced and moving within your body. When it is out of balance, it’s like hearing things all around you at different sound levels and not being able to distinguish anything; a mess of sound that is not making sense.
The Crown Chakra is located in the middle of the head at the top. The color is thought to be white and/or violet. This is the center of our inner “knowing”, and self-realization, the seat of our spirituality and our connection with the divine. The cerebrum is a part of the body associated with the energy center. The pineal gland is also connected with this energy center. When the center is in balance I get a sense of beautiful ethereal voices singing perfect high tones. When this center is out of balance it feels like the ethereal voices are singing far off in the distance.
The descriptions given at the end of each chakra are just my feelings on how I experience the energy. Everybody is different. There is no right or wrong it's just a different point of view.
These chakras can have blockages. When a chakra is unbalanced or blocked this can cause problems to the body, mind, and spirit. With the intention of healing in mind (all healing starts with intention), one way to eliminate blockages is to expose the chakra to energy vibrations that are close to the ones in which a harmoniously functioning chakra free of blockages naturally vibrates. These energy vibrations can be found in colors, gemstones, sounds, and essential oils.
Dale, C. (1996). New chakra healing: Activate Your 32 Energy Centers. University of Hawaii Press.
Sharamon, S., & Baginski, B. (1991). Chakra Handbook. Lotus Press.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book Aroma-Reiki:
Healing Body, Mind, and Chakras With Reiki Charged Essential Oils.
Stay tuned for more…