The car finally stopped,
Metal twisting in my ears,
warm salty blood running down my forehead
I’m crying now, trying to move
And I feel myself being pushed down
This girl ain’t going to make it
The man looks at me and frowns
I knew I wouldn’t survive it
I’m choking and crying in the rain
Tell them all that I did it
that I took away the pain
Elizabeth Ann Collazo (Lizzie) is with us. Always.
She is someone we love, someone we respect, someone we cherish, and someone who has given us all so much.
We honor her.
This musical collection is a tribute of love to her, and to all we love who have gone before us and who will go after.
We speak about her all through the album, but, to quickly summarize her personality, over the almost 19 years she was here with us, Lizzie had a wild, brilliant, fiery nature, always passionate, curious, and loving. Quick to laugh…and to anger. She loved animals and often used to bring home strays, hiding them in her room from her parents.
A complicated relationship was ever-present between KC, Lizzie’s birth mother, and Lizzie, as Lizzie was raised by KC’s parents. However, the two became close and were continuing to grow ever closer over the last several years of her short stay here on Earth.
Lizzie and her two sisters, Cathy and Samantha, had an extremely tight and loving relationship from the beginning, that never wanes.
On New Years Eve, 2003, she was a passenger in a car with two other friends, one driving and one in the back seat, when a lady in an SUV, in the left-turn lane on the other side of the street ahead of them, inexplicably decided to go ahead and make that left turn, badly miscalculating, or perhaps not even seeing, the car Lizzie was in, with its headlights on, coming toward her in their lane. The ensuing accident killed the male passenger in the back seat, a friend of Lizzie, there at the scene, while Lizzie and the driver were taken to the hospital. The driver survived. Lizzie survived for 6 days and on the 7th, she was gone. (We have intentionally left out the names of the driver and the other passenger who passed away, since our efforts at contacting the driver or the family of the passenger havent been successful. If, in time, they reach out to us and give us their blessing to include the names of those involved, we will)
One would think that these young people, still kids, really, driving on a New Year’s Eve, would be high, not wearing seat belts, speeding, or whatnot. That, however, was not the case here, as none of them had any alcohol or drugs in their blood, they were wearing seat belts, and they were not speeding or driving wildly. This was simply some tragic mistake by a distracted driver in a large vehicle.
Liz had such deep intelligence and creativity, and possibly even a bit of clairvoyance, that most people who met her could tell right away that this was a standout, unique, and special human being.
We found a poem in her belongings that described a girl in a car accident. It was with a whole lot of her other writings, so, we believe she wrote it. Lizzie was very drawn to sad, and sometimes morbid, stories, poems and songs, such as this one. This was a big part of her personality.
Pretty incredible!
She used the name, Exquisite Decay, as a sort of alter-ego, as her instant messaging moniker. A dark esthetic made up a strong part of her sense of the world.
As was already said, Lizzie loved animals So in her honor we have decided to donate half of all the proceeds from this album to animal charities. We believe this is what she would want to do herself.
There are 3 animal charities we are donating to:
Humane Society
Animal Welfare Institute
If you are purchasing a digital download and would like the album artwork and lyrics, let us know and we will email them to you.

The song Lizzie (Take You with Me) is the first video created for the Lizzie album.
The opening sound of someone going, “Lalalalalalala,” is Liz having fun on a mini tape deck. The song was pretty much recorded and ready to go, when the idea of starting the album off with Liz doing that Lalala thing surfaced. Somewhat miraculously, the voice is exactly in the key of the song. No tuning or messing with it was needed, it just fit perfectly somehow. Amazing!
The voice sounding like a phone message on the song, “Good Times”, is actually phone messages Liz left on friend, Geoff Trapp’s, machine. We thank Geoff for his generous offering of these recordings.
The people talking about Liz on “Let’s talk about Liz” are KC, sisters Samantha and Cathy, and brother/uncle James. James never got to see this album finished, as he left us in 2016, but, he did know that we were working on it and that we wanted him to be a part of it. He heard early versions of most of the music. We love James and miss him deeply.
The background party sounds during the breakdown section of Lizzie (Take you with me) is from an old video brother Derek shot at Samantha’s birthday party in 2003. Liz is asked to sing Karaoke to the song “We are the world”, and she simply refuses, rebelling to that song in particular, in her funny, light-hearted, energetic style. Then you can hear KC saying, “Let’s pick a song that Liz can sing.”
The song, “Elizabeth Collazo” was written by Bennett within days of Liz’s departure, and was performed by him at the very emotional funeral gathering. So, though it was unknown to us then, this album was begun basically at that time in 2004.

$18 T-Shirt available includes shipping
$25 Lizzie candle includes shipping
This candle contains 100% pure lavender essential oil.3″ Diameter x 6″H, palm wax.Approximately 60 hours burn time.